On The Loose

On The Loose

“We live in a house that God built but that the former tenants remodelled–blew up, it looks like–before we arrived. Poking through the rubble in our odd hours, we’ve found the corners that were spared and have hidden in them as much as we could. Not to escape from but to escape to: not to forget but to remember.”

“It feels good to say ‘I know the Sierra’ or ‘I know Point Reyes.’ But of course you don’t—what you know better is yourself, and Point Reyes and the Sierra have helped.”

On The Loose is a memoir that recounts the adventures of authors Renny and his brother Terry as they journey together throughout the American West in the 1950s and ‘60s. An inspiring book about how self-knowledge can be gained through exploring and revering wild places in the precious time before they are destroyed. (Fun fact: Terry was 21 and Renny was 19 when they wrote the book.) It also includes original photographs from their travels through famous wilderness areas such as Yosemite and Glen Canyon.