Donate to Groundwork

Groundwork is committed to access and equity in environmental fields.

To make our programs and publications accessible to as many people as possible, we rely on donations to supplement our other income streams. If you have questions about our budget or where the money goes, please give us a call—we like our donors to be actively engaged in questions of equity in environmental education and activism.

Donate to support access and equity

Groundwork is committed to making our environmental education accessible to as many people as possible. One strategy we use to achieve this goal is a many-tier sliding scale price structure, where program participants input their annual household income into a slider on the program page, and the website tells them how much the program will cost. With this model, we budget to pay individual program expenses from the lower end of the scale, but still rely on donor support for the

Donate to support our fellowship

Groundwork’s fellowship program is designed to be a launching point for young environmental leaders from all backgrounds. Comparable programs around the U.S. typically charge over $12,000 for a similar experience. For 2023, we are offering our fellowship at no cost to participants, relying instead on farm income, simple living, and donors like you to support the program.

Donate to support bite-sized books distribution

Groundwork’s Bite-Sized Books are one of the ways we reach our broadest audience. Since 2019, we have printed over 5,000 copies of our first 4 volumes of Bite-Sized Books. The books are being used by university classes, public libraries, environmental programs, and concerned people like you around the country and around the world.

Mail checks to:

15589 Black Bridge Rd
Paonia, CO 81428

Thank you for your support of our organization and our projects. We prefer donations by check—it saves us a ~3% processing fee and avoids funding large financial corporations.

$25 — Prints 100 Bite-Sized Books

$50 — Farm tools & materials

$100 — Guest lecturer on indigenous land rights, permaculture, or sustainable food systems

$1,000 — Sponsor a fellow for 2 months

$3,000 — Sponsor a fellow for the an entire season

Tax-deductible donation receipts

Groundwork is a federally-recognized 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity, EIN #82‑4526989. All donations of funds and materials to Groundwork are tax-deductible. For donors contributing over $250, we send receipts. If you would like a receipt for a smaller donation, we are happy to provide one.

Bank transfer

We accept direct transfers to our credit union. Please send us an email and we can help you set up a transfer. Thank you for your support!